Medical University Split
Medical University Split was founded 26th of March 1997 by the order of Gouverning Coucil of University of Split. Before that decision, there were 5 failed attempts to establish Medical University in Split. The University is located on the south side of the city near Križina in the vacinity of Clinical Centre Križina (ex military hospital). University complex is near the University Campus.
For some time, health studies were tied to Medical University of Split but it separated into stand alone University of Split even though it still relies on Medical University of Split. Today, there are other studies as parts of Medical Universit of Split, Medical Studies in English, Dental Medicine and Farmaceutical studies in collaboration with Faculty of Chemical Technology. Along side the University there are 3 active doctoral studies. In University there are centers that act as part of it, Craotian center for global health, Croatian branch of Italian Cochrane center and Croatian center for registered clinical trials. The seat of electronical edition of internaional magazine, Croatian Medical Journal. Details of specific studies can be found on the official site of our University.
From student’s organizations and sections, currently, there are only CroMSIC – IFMSA (Croatian Medical Student’s International Committee – International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and Student’s Council that protects student’s interest and participates in deciding High University Bodies and represents students in the system of higher education and organizes and participates in various activities.